На английском

Хотите быстро выучить разговорный английский язык? Мы в нашем лагере знаем, как это сделать

Болгария, Греция, Подмосковье
Детский летний отдых на море с изучением английского языка

Welcome to "Only english"!

Ты хочешь научиться говорить на английском действительно хорошо? Без труда общаться с иностранными друзьями, легко преодолевая языковой барьер? И готов на многое, чтобы достичь своей цели?! Тогда, мы предлагаем тебе заключить с нами контракт! На две недели мы превращаемся в настоящих англичан и разговариваем, играем и даже думаем исключительно по-английски! И… Радостная новость! Теперь сделать это можно будет в 3-х странах мира: в Греции, Болгарии и в России: в Крыму и в Подмосковье!

Welcome to Only – English Land!


Have ever wondered how awesome it would be to speak fluent English?! To freely communicate with people from all over the world? Odds are – you probably have. We can give you this opportunity by placing you in an All - English Environment, where you’ll be taught not only to read and to speak, but also to have fun and even to think in English!

An offer you cannot refuse!

Have you already got your whole summer planned out? Perhaps you want to die of boredom in a busy city? Or to go on a lame trip to the zoo? Or to spend your entire summer in the middle of nowhere and pretend it is nature? But that doesn’t sound that appealing, now does it? We are here to offer you the most exciting, thrilling and inspiring program, which you will look forward to and remember for years to come. This won’t be any typical camp, no. Because we think that education something to be absorbed and endorsed by. No more boring teachers andforced or repetitive activities, in which you have to take part in, because guess what – you’ll be begging for more, once you’ve tried them. Only pure fun and modern, quality education with cool counselors.Top-notch movies and TV-shows in English? - Check! Fresh English music? – Check! Having experienced this awesomeness, your level of English will blow through the roof (over 9000). Don’t forget about sea, sun and beautiful beaches! And all this awaits at our amazing camp in magnificent Montenegro! But enough with that, pack your stuff, and see for yourself!

Little Britain in Montenegro

What kind of All - English Environmentwould it be without a proper approach? And by that we mean England divided into shires. Every shire has got its own mentor – counselor. Who else but him (or her) would solve your problems? Exactly – no one! Believe us, when it comes to the Wars Of Roses, he (or she) is your only chance. Each citizen, will have an opportunity to engage in their shire’s activities and participate in everything from colorful stage performances to epic wars between shires (no worries – no blood will be shed), with courtroom dramas in between.

Adept shire

So…I see you managed to watch Sherlock without translation or even subtitles, and have memorized Shakespeare by heart… In that case you are more than welcome to join us on our journey to perfect your undeniably good English. At any time of the day you will be able to identify language conundrums (FYI – it means “puzzle” or “difficulty”) such as the mystery of “Lie – lay – lie”.

Novice shire

If on the other hand, you may not have already mastered English, in fact, you haven’t even learned what the capital of Great Britain is (Its London for god’s sake)…well than - don’t worry you’re the perfect candidate for our program. And guess what, you will no longer be teased by the so called “Pros”, because you will in no time talk to native English speakers with no troubles whatsoever. And most importantly you won’t get sick of boring grammar.

The Hotel Juzno More, is perfect for a vacation, as it just so happens

Have we mentioned that the Hotel Juzno More is the perfect addition to the already perfect program, as it just so happens to be a stone’s throwfrom the soft sanded beaches and a minutes’ walk away from beautiful city of Budva? And the glorious mountaintops will accompany you every step along the city. Wanna get some experience in the cultural world of Montenegro – No problemo. Weekly trips to let you explore every corner in this beautiful country, from ancient monasteries and abandoned castles to small, authentic villages and modern cities. If this hasn’t gotten you sold on the idea of joining our program, then nothing will. Hope to cya there and God Save the Queen…


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